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The Power of Connecting

Depending on how we’re raised and what has shaped us, it may seem weird to interact with strangers. Many of us go to places just focused on what we’re there for and that’s it. We don’t look to connect with anyone. I understand.

I tend to be that way. But I want to live with significance, I can’t be an island to myself. In fact, as a Christian, Jesus taught me to love my neighbor. How can I love my neighbor if I refuse to connect with anyone? How can I develop myself as a communicator, as professional, and businessperson if I stay in my shell?

As a natural introvert, I decided to improve in this area. I mean, it’s ok to be an introvert. It’s part of our personality. But it doesn’t mean I should be a fearful or indifferent person. I can still be myself, yet be confident, connect and make friends. No matter our personality type, we all need improvement. We all have our weaknesses and strengths. In an interdependent environment, I can fill in what you’re lacking in certain areas. You can fill in what I’m lacking in other areas. We gain more strength and traction toward a vision when we work as a team. A team gains more strength and traction when its people are growth-minded and united. A dream becomes possible when there’s a unified team. 

This is one of the greatest lessons I learned.

People I like
to connect with.

I like to connect with people who are positive. No matter what you do, if you’re respectful, I’m cool with you. I enjoy connecting with people from my same nationality and interests. But I also like connecting with people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, personality types and other interests. I like having a diverse circle of influence where we can learn from each other. What I look mostly is to connect with people who are growth minded and progress driven.

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